Jotai's state management is primitive and flexible, but that sometimes means too free. XState is a sophisticated library to provide a better and safer abstraction for state management.
You have to install xstate
and jotai-xstate
to use this feature.
npm install xstate jotai-xstate
creates a new atom with XState machine.
It receives a function getMachine
to create a new machine.
is invoked at the first use with get
with which you can read other atom values.
import { useAtom } from 'jotai'import { atomWithMachine } from 'jotai-xstate'import { assign, createMachine } from 'xstate'const createEditableMachine = (value: string) =>createMachine<{ value: string }>({id: 'editable',initial: 'reading',context: {value,},states: {reading: {on: {dblclick: 'editing',},},editing: {on: {cancel: 'reading',commit: {target: 'reading',actions: assign({value: (_, { value }) => value,}),},},},},})const defaultTextAtom = atom('edit me')const editableMachineAtom = atomWithMachine((get) =>// `get` is available only for initializing a machinecreateEditableMachine(get(defaultTextAtom)),)const Toggle = () => {const [state, send] = useAtom(editableMachineAtom)return (<div>{state.matches('reading') && (<strong onDoubleClick={send}>{state.context.value}</strong>)}{state.matches('editing') && (<inputautoFocusdefaultValue={state.context.value}onBlur={(e) => send({ type: 'commit', value: e.target.value })}onKeyDown={(e) => {if (e.key === 'Enter') {send({ type: 'commit', value: e.target.value })}if (e.key === 'Escape') {send('cancel')}}}/>)}<br /><br /><div>Double-click to edit. Blur the input or press <code>enter</code> tocommit. Press <code>esc</code> to cancel.</div></div>)}
Restartable machine stored in a global Provider (provider-less mode)
When your machine reaches its final state it cannot receive any more events.
If your atomWithMachine is initialized in global store (aka provider-less mode),
to restart it you need to send a RESTART
event to your machine like so:
import { RESTART } from 'jotai-xstate'const YourComponent = () => {const [current, send] = useAtom(yourMachineAtom)const isFinalState = current.matches('myFinalState')useEffect(() => {// restart globally initialized machine on component unmountreturn () => {if (isFinalState) send(RESTART)}}, [isFinalState])}
Check examples with atomWithMachine:
Restartable machine:
Check out a course about Jotai and XState.
Complex State Management in React with Jotai and XState
(Note: In the course, it uses jotai/xstate
which is supersede by jotai-xstate